Influenced by his previous erudition, Jason is inherently fascinated with the social and psychological aspects which fundamentally drive and even dictate the arts. His belief that the widening schism between the elite and common populace is borne out of a critical imbalance within the artistic ecosystem worldwide .
Through his astute interpersonal and communicative skills, he is concurrently working towards the role of facilitator, mediator and incubator of artists and artworks by gradually realigning his professional focus from the creation of arts to the enabling of them. Jason has also developed a vested interest in other interrelated endeavours including academic and creative writing, public speaking, education and project management. Just as the notion of 'curation' has expanded immensely in recent times, so too has Jason's embodiment of the role.
This page therefore seeks your curiosity and willingness to help one another share and exchange richly curated experiences; casting the net(work) as far out and wide as necessary.